Why Taking Family Pictures is Unquestionably Worth It


No matter the stage of life I’m in, there are phases where everything feels busy. That’s just the way it goes! Whether you’re a newlywed couple trying to find your new normal or parents who just welcomed their fourth baby, it’s normal to never really feel “caught up” on everything.

I am currently the mom of a busy toddler, AND I work as a full-time nurse and professional photographer. With my schedule, there are some things that naturally just slip under my radar. One thing that I never let pass me by (and have never regretted) is taking regular family photos.

Family pictures can definitely be stressful, and I promise I understand! But the effort is always worth it! I have yet to meet a mom who looks back at her finished pictures and regrets the time it took to find a dress she loved for the occasion. Or the amount of effort required to lug her family to a scenic hillside right at sunset.

Even for family members who may be less than enthusiastic about pictures (looking at you, husbands), the result is undeniable. Why? Because it is so special to have updated photos of your family! I’ve yet to hear back from a husband who regrets spending a few hours taking pictures that make his wife so happy. Sometimes it takes a change of perspective to look to the future and realize that the result is worth it.

Beyond the personal feelings of happiness that come from new photos, there are plenty of other reasons why taking family pictures is a good investment.

They make beautiful displays in your home. As seasons change and styles come and go, it’s always nice to update your home decor to match. Family photos are no exception! Displaying current pictures of your kids is a great way to make your house feel homey.

Family photos are great gifts. Whether you are sending one to grandparents, friends, teachers, or extended family. an updated family picture is an easy and thoughtful way to remind your loved ones you care.

They capture your family as it is right now. As always, your family is going to grow and change with time. It usually happens faster than you think! Family photos give you a tangible way to cherish the moments you have with your children in their current stage of life.

Photos are a fun reason to update your wardrobe. There is nothing better than a nice new outfit for church or holiday parties. Family photos give you the opportunity (and motivation) to give your family’s wardrobe a little refresh.

They are a great way to spend time together. Dedicating time to spend with your whole family can be tricky to do with busy schedules. When you do make space to just be together, it will always remind you of the importance of your family relationships. 

Scheduling a family photo shoot undoubtedly comes with work and requires some extra patience. But if you’re anything like me, your family relationships are the most important thing in your life. The positives of updating your family photos far outweigh the negatives, in my opinion. Take the time to honor and memorialize the bonds that tie you together.


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Meet kailee


As someone who wears a lot of hats (wife, momma, nurse, and photographer). I know that those once in a lifetime moments can truly fly by. My mission is to capture those beautiful moments so that you can come back to them years down the road and relive them! The best way to do that if to find out who YOU are and what type of moments YOU treasure the most.

Wanna meet me? I love my cute family, the pop of my Made by Mary necklace over my heather grey sweatshirt, and eating ice cream for every occasion - Tillamook Mudslide is my favorite!

And I can't wait to get to know you!

I’m Kailee

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