Baby Matsumura: Boy or Girl?


I’ve had so many people tell me that I need to share our story of finding out whether baby Matsumura is a boy or a girl. And I’ll admit, out of all the stories I’ve ever heard, I think it’s a pretty great one!

Usually the 20 week OB appointment is the appointment where the doctor will do the first ultrasound and tell you the gender of the baby. My mom was conveniently flying back from Korea the day of my appointment, and so I decided out of convenience, that we would have a gender reveal party the day after my appointment. March 6th, to be exact. I booked a photographer, someone to make a cake (blue or pink!), bought decorations, and my mother-in-law was even making ribs for everyone. And she had started the day before the party- on the day of our appointment to get it all made. I felt super prepared and in my mind, had thought of everything. Except for one very important thing. . . 

We went to our 20 week appointment and the doctor told us that the baby was moving around really quickly and that his/her legs were crossed over the genital area and he just couldn’t get a good view. And in response, I told him that I was having a bunch of people over the next day for a gender reveal party that we couldn’t cancel at this point. So I asked if there was any way that he could just make a guess based on what he had seen, which wasn’t much. And he said he would. And he said he would write a percentage of how sure he was about what gender he wrote.

March 6th came, and everyone came over for the party. We cut into the cake… and… it was blue! It was a boy! Marc and I had our thoughts about what it was, and we didn’t think it was a boy, based on what we saw. And evidently our doctor was relatively unsure as well, because on the paper he had put in an envelope, he had written, “Possibly boy. 70%”. Just normally, there’s a 50/50 chance, soooo it was pretty much a shot in the dark.

The next week, I was doing a nursing clinical that was really slow, and so we grabbed the Emergency Department’s ultrasound machine and tried to determine whether it was a boy or a girl. We all decided that it was a girl. The following week, I had an ultrasound for a totally different reason, and I had her take a look at my stomach, and she said she thought it was a girl as well! Two weeks later, we found ourselves again in the OB’s office for our monthly checkup, and he told us that he too, thought it was a girl.

So there you have it! After four ultrasounds, we finally knew that we were having a little baby girl. And we couldn’t be more thrilled!

Keep scrolling for lots of beautiful pictures filled with blue… even though we are having a girl!:) So grateful for all our friends and family!

So grateful for both of our parents who were able to come and support us. We love them so much. Aren’t they the cutest?

Marc and I went on a medical outreach trip to the Dominican Republic in 2016. We’ve been through lots together. The party can’t start until these ladies get there!

Mission and work friends:) Maddie actually made the cake!

So yes, lots and lots of blue, BUT remember, we’re having a GIRL! 🙂



Cake: @caplincakery

Doughnuts: @provobakery




  1. Emma Sears says:

    That’s so much fun!! All of my babies I went into the ultrasounds secretly hoping for a girl haha. And then with my 3rd pregnancy the baby was moving around too much too! So she said maybe a girl. But we still kept holding out cause we didn’t want to plan anything and she said she would do one more ultrasound the next week to really find out. BOY! We even had a photographer scheduled the day after we found out too! Babies are so much fun! Congrats!!

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As someone who wears a lot of hats (wife, momma, nurse, and photographer). I know that those once in a lifetime moments can truly fly by. My mission is to capture those beautiful moments so that you can come back to them years down the road and relive them! The best way to do that if to find out who YOU are and what type of moments YOU treasure the most.

Wanna meet me? I love my cute family, the pop of my Made by Mary necklace over my heather grey sweatshirt, and eating ice cream for every occasion - Tillamook Mudslide is my favorite!

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