Utah Capitol Cherry Blossom Senior Pictures


This year I was able to capture Olivia’s High School Senior pictures at the Utah State Capitol building with the Cherry Blossoms and you’re not going to want to miss it!

Olivia is the most talented and ambitious senior I’ve met. She’s also got the kindest heart and dreams BIG.

This girl won second place at the High School Utah Entrepreneur Challenge at the Lassonde Institute at the University of Utah, as well as the College of Science Scholarship! She was recently granted a U.S. Patent for her product (a sound attenuating cap for premature babies in the NICU).

She’s also a talented violinist who was accepted into multiple programs for college with several scholarships from each school.

And now Olivia is #BYUBound and I cannot wait to see where life takes her.

These High School Senior Pictures are some of my absolute favorite that I’ve ever taken. The light during our session was INCREDIBLE.


I always recommend having two different outfits for your senior session. Do one a little more dressy and the other more casual. You’ll get two different looks, and I promise you’ll love them both!

I’d LOVE to work with your family! Please contact me to book your family session! To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram.

I’d LOVE to work with your family! Please contact me to book your family session! To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram.


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Meet kailee


As someone who wears a lot of hats (wife, momma, nurse, and photographer). I know that those once in a lifetime moments can truly fly by. My mission is to capture those beautiful moments so that you can come back to them years down the road and relive them! The best way to do that if to find out who YOU are and what type of moments YOU treasure the most.

Wanna meet me? I love my cute family, the pop of my Made by Mary necklace over my heather grey sweatshirt, and eating ice cream for every occasion - Tillamook Mudslide is my favorite!

And I can't wait to get to know you!

I’m Kailee

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