As a mother and portrait photographer, I have encountered an endless amount of baby products. Today I am sharing my comprehensive list of newborn essentials that I could not live without when Chloe was a baby. I’ll also let you know what items I can definitely live without. When you and your newborn are feeling your best, it is easier to live in the moment and breathe in the newborn stage.
First, let’s talk about my sleep recommendations. We struggled with Chloe’s sleep for so long, and I do not do well on little sleep. Here are my favorite sleep products to help get your little one snoozing through the night!
This is such a hard section to write because every baby’s feeding journey is so different. And whatever your baby’s unique journey looks like is okay. You are an amazing mother, no matter how your baby is being fed. Here are the products that we used and loved with our daughter.
Getting out of the house can feel impossible with a newborn. But, being stuck inside can be rough on both mom and baby! Here are my favorite transportation products.
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Meet kailee
As someone who wears a lot of hats (wife, momma, nurse, and photographer). I know that those once in a lifetime moments can truly fly by. My mission is to capture those beautiful moments so that you can come back to them years down the road and relive them! The best way to do that if to find out who YOU are and what type of moments YOU treasure the most.
Wanna meet me? I love my cute family, making yummy bread, and going to Costco and Trader Joes!
And I can't wait to get to know you!
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