Tips for a Successful Family Photo Day


Family photo days are always a little bit chaotic, no matter how well you prepare. But don’t let the chaos worry you! I have so many tricks up my sleeve to help keep every member of the family happy during our time together. One of the reasons you’re taking family photos is to remember how much you love your kids, and you want to remember them how they actually are!

Here are some of my top tips to help make sure the day goes as smoothly as possible.


Getting your hair and makeup professionally done is a great way to take the stress of getting ready off of your list. Leave your kids with their dad for an hour or two while you go get made up to perfection. I previously talked about Why You Should Have Your Hair & Makeup Professionally Done for Your Photos. If you haven’t read that post yet I highly recommend it! I also shared some of my favorite Utah hair and makeup artists there.


Drive to your family photo location in normal everyday clothing and your photo outfits in tow. You’d be shocked how many outfits get ruined just en route in the car! Arrive at your session spot a little bit early to get everybody dressed.


Not everybody enjoys posing for photos and that is totally okay. But come prepared to your session with whatever bribes you know will help bring out some extra smiles. I usually bring small candies like Jelly Beans or mints for my daughter to give her a little treat that isn’t too messy. This trick will definitely still work with older kids who aren’t as motivated to smile haha.


I’ve heard so many parents heading to their cars after our family photo sessions say to each other “Wow, that went so much better than I thought it would.” I’ve even heard a few say “Wow, that went so much worse than I thought it would,” but you’d never know from the photos which families said what! Being a parent is so challenging and family photos are just another time you need to roll with the punches.

I’ve shot family sessions where kids have run through puddles, taken their clothes off, or just completely melted down. I promise you, I have seen it all and I still know how to capture great photos! Adventurous kids running through puddles make for great photos! I won’t capture naked babies but if a meltdown ensues while you’re trying to get them dressed again, don’t worry. I’ve taken gorgeous candid photos of moms and dads snuggling upset kids.

If you come into our session with a good attitude, I promise you the photos will reflect that. Putting in a little time before a session will help set expectations that these photos are a fun way for your family to look back on your current phase of life for years to come.


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Meet kailee


As someone who wears a lot of hats (wife, momma, nurse, and photographer). I know that those once in a lifetime moments can truly fly by. My mission is to capture those beautiful moments so that you can come back to them years down the road and relive them! The best way to do that if to find out who YOU are and what type of moments YOU treasure the most.

Wanna meet me? I love my cute family, the pop of my Made by Mary necklace over my heather grey sweatshirt, and eating ice cream for every occasion - Tillamook Mudslide is my favorite!

And I can't wait to get to know you!

I’m Kailee

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